Civil Litigation & Personal Injury
Attorney Morse currently represents Business and Individuals with prosecution and defense of civil claims before the District and Superior Courts ensuring that litigants rights are being upheld. Causes of action have included but are not limited to:
Torts (Civil wrongs such as Negligence, Battery, Conversion)
Drafting and Enforcement of contracts
Prosecution and Defense of discrimination claims before the Massachusetts Commission Against
Enforcement of Mechanics Liens for small businesses
Liquor Licensing
Defense against Debt Collectors
Business Law and Uniform Commercial Code disputes
Motor Vehicle Lemon Law Cases
Failing to pay insurance Claims
The relationship between a landlord and a tenant is highly complex body of law that can impose significant liability on a party if certain steps or formalities are not properly followed. Failing to keep a property up to certain codes, engaging in any kind of retaliation against a tenant or failing to properly evict a tenant can subject a landlord to treble damages (usually determined to be three months’ rent) and attorney’s fees and in some circumstances result in the dismissal of an eviction case. Bottom line is that both tenants and landlords have rights! A consultation with an attorney is highly recommended.
If you are a landlord who needs assistance removing a tenant or you are a tenant in need of assistance contact our office. Attorney Morse has successfully helped both landlords and tenants in the District Courts.
If you are thinking about applying for your “green card” or applying for naturalization, navigating the web of the U.S. government can been daunting. Attorney Morse has many years helping persons adjust their immigration status before the United States Department of Homeland Security to become lawful permanent residents or citizens of the Unites States. Contact the office for a free consultation on your immigration status.